I have never done such posts before. I decided to take up this idiosyncratic about myself, in the hope that I will be able to introspect and enjoy as well. The post on  Dashy‘s blog has intrigued me  and I am here all ready to give it a try.

So here goes the A-Z of me:

A- Age: Never ask a woman her age! But 22 it is. 😉

B- Biggest fear: Fear of letting my loved ones down.

C- Current Time: 01:12pm

D- Drink you last had: Warm water

E- Everyday starts withcolorA warm glass of water and exercise.

F- Favorite song: I love a lot of songs. Love you Zindagi dear Zindagi is currently being played over and over again.

G- Ghosts, are they real? Maybe. But I I love horror movies. None of them could scare me ever! Humans are scarier I say!

H- Hometown: Bangalore

I- In love with: Myself! And I am not a narcissist.

J- Jealous of: people who know what their passion is and are working on that.

K- Killed someone: Like you can make me confess ! No, and you never know. 😉 ;p

L- Last time you cried: Two weeks back when I saw my mother in the hospital.

M- Middle name: Nope. Thank god. That is the thing about long names, the other person tends to forget.

N- Number of siblings: One younger brother who behaves five years elder to me.

O- One wish: To be my own boss and work on what I love to.

P- Person you last called: Well, my best friend called me.

Q- Question you’re always asked: Why and what are you doing  here? You need to be someplace else! Yeah, I know I should be traveling places and sharing the stories, right? 😉

R- Reason to smile: Strangely, I will have to think about it. Things could have been worst but are just bad, enough reason to smile, right?

S- Sounds that annoy you: Loud useless daily soaps on TV.

T- Time you woke up: 6.30 am

U- Underwear colour : Bwahaha! You can have my bra’s color too. It is blue.

V- Vacation destination: The world is filled with places unexplored by me, but Ladhak is on my mind right now.

W- Worst habit: Over-thinking things,over-doing things, and being too patient to non-sense.

X- X-Rays you’ve had: My lungs have always troubled me.
Y- Your favorite food: Changes as per so many  things. Rajma chawal is my present love.
Z- Zodiac sign: Virgo for life. Need I say more?


It was fun. Wasn’t it ? Would you like to take this on?

If you do, please share with me and leave in the comments box below.

Linking with  Day 8 of #HalfMarathon by Blogchatter and Writing Wednesdays by Write Tribe.



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