Five Awesome Quotes From the movie Kung Fu Panda

Five Awesome Quotes From the movie Kung Fu Panda

I am weird when it comes to movies or tv series. At times I watch like there is no tomorrow, and I need to finish watching them. Binge-watching like that is the only thing I got to do. At times even the best of movies do not keep me hooked. Kung Fu Panda series has...

Not All Days Are The Same

Not All Days Are The Same

I missed writing poems. It was one of those days where things did not seem right and weren't falling into place. I penned down how I felt and from the many discussions I have with people who have similar experiences. Here is the poem :     Not all days are...

Life In The Times Of Corona & Beyond

Life In The Times Of Corona & Beyond

Hi there!  It has been so long I have written here and interacted. I write and delete and then procrastinate, pondering if anyone will read again? Wonder if I will write content that will bring value to someone. I have been wondering if anyone wants to listen to what...

To The Friends I Let Go

To The Friends I Let Go

To the friends I let go, how and when it happened I don't know.  We were inseparable once,  and we let go with no fights or stunts.        It hurts to let go I know, but that urge to hold on tight left me many summers ago.  The...

Top 3 Reasons Why You Must Visit Mainau Island

Top 3 Reasons Why You Must Visit Mainau Island

Mainau Island is a beautiful 45-hectare island that lies off the shore of Lake Constance, close to Switzerland and Austria, far south-west of Germany. You get to cruise in Lake Constance and then enjoy the beautiful Mainau Island. What is so special? It is a garden...

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