If we’re having coffee, I would first ask you if you would like some hot tea instead, if no then I would sit down in the cosy corner with you, with two mugs of hot filter coffee and some cookies.

I would ask you how you were and apologize for being MIA. Listen to you pouring your heart out (if you want to) and then say my bit or two about it.

I would tell you how life has been busy and how I have been trying to juggle multiple things together, while I love doing that, I like some space and me time. And most days I go to bed exhausted and wake up groggy in the morning.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that in the next couple of days there is going to be a drastic change and I have longed for it for a long time but now that it is near I don’t know how to embrace it. There is so much fear and many well-wishers and friends around me believe that it is a blessing in disguise. I am not sure what it is, but all I know is I will rise from ashes no matter what. No matter how many times life pulls me and throws down, every single time I will get up with more determination.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how rain is such a bitter sweet thing now. While I love the smell of mud, the pitter patter on my window pane, the puddles and mosquitoes are a real pain! I would tell you how I am slowly paving my way to be a fitter version of me.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you how amazing my globe trotting was and how I wished it never ended. Alas, we all know good days or bad days, neither of them are permanent. I would tell you how I gained the extra pounds and for a change guilt free!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you, the past few months have been an emotional roller coaster ride. Time and again, forcing me into bouts of deep introspection but also an immense pain. Nevertheless, I am a little wiser now.

A lot are things are brewing and will be discussed in the next cup of hot coffee. The next time I will tell you more about the new changes and life under those changes.

Till then Ciao!


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