β€œTo travel is worth any cost or sacrifice.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

Travelling will forever remain close to my heart. I chose this quote because somewhere down the lane, I have realised how true and powerful these words are. Also because all the other brilliant ones have been quoted somewhere or the other on the blog. πŸ˜›

Travelling has been made easier with all the amazing websites, homestays and great discounts. Unlike before, shoestring budget travels have gained popularity and that is what you git to try in your twenties. Here are 5 reasons why you should travel in your twenties:

1. To Learn And Grow

So far our world was confined within ourselves, we need to learn to leave the bubble, get out, stumble, get up, learn and move on. Travelling will help you understand the world.

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2. To Make More Mistakes & Get Embarrassed More Often

I have been shouted at in a local market, pickpocketed, duped by travel agents, travelled without shoes and tickets to a different country, accompanied bedbugs and cockroaches for few nights and a few more adventures. πŸ˜‰
All said and done I consider them to be opportunities that I got early in life.


3. Because You Can & Must Do

In your twenties, you can just survive any kind of hostile and beautiful experiences. You haven’t been burdened by many responsibilities yet, you have the time. If you don’t you can always make time. Most importantly, if not now, when? Time to fill your book of memories and write stories.


Pack. Leave. Experience. Leave A piece Of Yourself. Re-Discover Yourself.


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