The post on infertility is something that I have been postponing for long now. But the series would be incomplete without touching on this taboo. This is an attempt to tell the world how this taboo is destroying lives.

Here it goes:

Nature did not seem to let her be a mother,
And he wanted to be a father.
They tried everything,
ready to do anything.

Social gatherings awkward,
Life wasn’t moving forward.
Heartbreaks, taunts and failed attempt.
The world defined her family to be imperfect.

She feared of being abandoned,
Infertile she was now branded.
Their relationship in an all time low,
She wished for a miracle now.

In a desperate last attempt of bringing a life,
They realized all healthy was the wife.
To the rules of society, this was a strife.
Life had given them another chance,
They were just victims of circumstances.

For them,
A Beautiful baby girl was to enter their life.
But why does the society always blame the wife?
Infertility is never a choice,
I am just a mere voice.

It is day 7 of UBC & also linking this poem to #InfertilityNotATaboo by WriteTribe

P.S. Please feel free to write on the issue and break free. Also,this blog is to #SpreadAwareness about Infertility through Infertility Dost, India’s first website that facilitates couples to brave infertility with support and knowledge.


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