Time flies they say. Life and time has done a great job of proving it. Six months is a long time but for me it went very fast and I am glad it did. If you are thinking it flew fast because it was blissful. My dear friends, you are wrong. It has been bitter sweet. Exactly like how life is. I open my heart to you like I always do and I ask you to tell me how was the year so far for you and what is it that you have learnt. Easy peasy. Isn’t it ?

The following are the things I learnt:

  • At times life is only thorns, but the rose that is on top of it is worth it and beautiful: March and the months that followed were times of hardship at work. Times when quitting felt the only way out. My parents weren’t supportive of the decision that I took regarding the work and heated arguments was the only thing that happened between us. Today, after all the hardships, I have a certificate of enduring bad things and coming up victorious. I am glad my parents hadn’t approved my decision. Life seems better now at work and is blissful at home. The aftermath of the hard months, is beautiful. I have learnt things the hard way and it is for sure going to remain with me for a long time. I understood the true meaning of being independent and also how bad days make you stronger if you believe in yourself.
  • Writing has its perks: I took up The Ultimate Blog Challenge in the month of January and successfully finished it. Then I took up the A-Z Challenge and the The Ultimate Blog Challenge in the month of April. Writing the entire month kept me sane, it was difficult but it was fun and helped me keep my sanity intact. It wasn’t the first time my blog helped me do that though. I read more and was inspired by many bloggers. I am glad I took up the challenge. I have loved reading everyone,but Era,Roma and Shalini struck a cord always. Thanks to Blogchatter and the entire team.
  • iPad: I saved up money and purchased an iPad purely to satisfy my needs of writing and reading. My kindle account is now filled with eBooks and my book shelf with paperbacks.
  •  Blogging has never been more fun: I wrote for the joy of it and my humble abode would be deserted for long periods of time without a warning. Blogging challenges, marathons and my blogbuddies now never let me take that pleasure of deserting but instead always encourage to be regular and better. I was recognized as the blog star once and I am not ashamed to admit that I loved the stardom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
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  • My Desi Backpack: My new travel blog happened. Something that I am very proud of. New but I am determined to be better with every post. Presenting the brand new My Desi Backpack.
  • Quotes, TTT, Micro poetry and Accolades : Monday morning motivation posts,micro poetry, terribly tiny tales and haiku is what I am trying to master and I am happy I am doing well in that. Happiness is when your quotes are display pictures of your friends on social media.

All in all I like the company I am in and want to improvise my blogs and writings. Health has taken a backseat lately, so that is the top priority for the upcoming months.



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