I know not what the heart wants,
The taunts and visits to fancy restaurants,
or peace , satisfaction and a thin pocket?
question is like a plug without  socket.


What must have gone wrong?
Sometimes I think of it for long.
It is like the repetitive lyrics in a song.
I do try to walk along.


Things are better than before,
but I can’t say that the void is no more.
I know in the hollow tunnel,
there is  light and hope double.


But the mind is unable to anticipate the moves of the heart,
that’s the most difficult part.
Oh, heart what is it that you want?
Trouble me not.
I dream to know what you want,
I know its something worth to flaunt.


Participating in Half Marathon Blogging Challenge – Day 13 – with Blogchatter. Also linking it to Prompt Nights at A dash Of Sunny




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