Sanitation and cleanliness is a jeopardy, in India. With the prime minister’s call on Swach Bharath stirred quiet a few on roads for publicity and few to really work on it. In my opinion, hygiene begins at home.
My parents always taught me to wash my hand before and after I eat.  It was imposed on me so strictly, that I never forget to do that.  A little firmness in childhood regarding cleanliness is all India wants.
It is like a privilege in India to urinate or defaecate in corners. Have we forgotten, who we are? Or have we forgotten, that even domestic animals like dogs cover up after they defaecate.  Then why is it that we shamelessly urinate or defaecate openly, without respecting ours and others hygiene.

In villages, with increasing awareness programs, I have observed the rise in number of toilets and people making use  of it. As happy as I am to see a cleaner village, its equally disheartening to see our dirty cities.
Indians are crazy about street food, from the golgappa  to vada pavs, everyone relishes,the taste. Well, I don’t know if its the dust that surrounds or the dirty hands of vendor and unclean plates that makes it tasty. But certainly, there is no point in using a sanitizer before eating the street food. I see my friends relishing it, but not observing his dirty hands or the gutter that runs behind him, where his aide, cleans the plate. For that matter, a simple thing, such as the vendor offering you a puri and accepting the money note, which thousands of people would have touched, by his same hand. I dont blame him, he is just busy delivering his services. But we could at least avoid it, for its so very evident that the tasty street food is dirty.
Here are few sanitary and hygiene rules that I follow and will continue to.
I wash my hands with a mild hand wash before a meal and after one. I wash my hands after urinating or defecating . I eat home cooked food, at least try to avoid road side food. The chocolate wraappers or chips packets I eat, I always throw it in the dust bin. Brush twice a day.We need to realize that, we need to be hygienic, for our own good. Oral health and sanitary health is very important.We are so busy,finishng tasks before deadlines, that we tend to forget our health and hygiene.
As of the hygiene that we need to inculcate outside the house, begins within, it is to throw in the dustbin and not to litter .
These are just few, if we don’t dirty our surroundings and have a sense of belonging  and a sense of duty, our country would be a cleaner, hygienic and safe SWACH BHARATH!
This post is written for IB HappyHours..
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